Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Analyze  biological data Mix-omics

    Analyze biological data Mix-omics

    One of the oldest entrants in the integration, visualization and analysis of data from various sources (genotype, phenotype etc.,) is Mix-omics. http://mixomics.org/ The project started in 2009 and has been a continuously developed framework for multiple data sources. The graphic shows the multivariate methods available today for users. There is also sample data sets available…

  • Discoveries and Publicity

    Discoveries and Publicity

    A university in Netherlands, Eindhoven institute of technology discovered a protein that is a variety of luciferase that generates light based on the concentration of the analyte. They also modified it so that another protein that is integrated to the same protein converts the light that is emitted to another color based on the binding…

  • Bioimpedance device

    Bioimpedance device

    Bioimpedance is the resistance of any biological tissue between two defined points. Usually the two points may be the two extremities – for example the hand and the foot. This has been measured for many years and a single value of resistance called bioimpedance has been used in many areas to estimate percentage of fat,…

  • Brain to brain communications

    Brain to brain communications

    Brain to brain communications or brain to computer communications are tough to execute. However, one consortium of scientists at Braingate have achieved the communication between two people that are connected with a sensor implanted in their motor cortex. The unique part about this communication was that it was implemented through methods more often used in…

  • Blood collection innovation

    Blood collection innovation

    Blood collection for Biomarker and assays from humans has been done since many decades and the usual method has been the syringe for large volumes and a needle prick for smaller volumes. Very rarely has there been any major changes in this area. However one company is hoping to change that…They have a small device…

  • EXPLORER PET scanner – fast!

    EXPLORER PET scanner – fast!

    Human PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scanning is used frequently to determine the metabolism of glucose in the body which help find cancer and also for finding specific molecules using specific PET probes. However, PET scanners are expensive to operate, expose the body to radiation and also require long amounts of time for the patient in…

  • Andy Palmer – Serial Entrepreneur

    Andy Palmer – Serial Entrepreneur

    You can read more about Andy Palmer at various locations on the web and he has quite a diverse background from working in different industries to funding and starting nearly 50 companies. He gave a talk at Harvard iLab to inspire the new enterpreneur’s. He showed several slides but also illustrated his advice using clips…

  • Digital health: Heat or cool your body quickly

    There have been many consumer digital health devices that aim to measure complex parameters and report. They start from simple as activity measure to complex ones like EEG. Then there are devices that alter some human physiology by providing therapeutic doses of electricity or some other complex signal.Many of these devices have been referred to…

  • Current clinical trials – what’s up

    Most current clinical trials in the US are tracked through clinicaltrials.gov website. If we look at the top 10,000 titles and do an analysis of the most commonly used words that are utilized in the titles then you get an interesting perspective on what are the studies that are being done currently.Note that many trials…

  • Wonderful biological tools

    There are so many tools available these days for biologists. It is such a dream…For example, to show which protein interacts with others, it is possible to just plug-in a protein name and find all the other proteins using “String”.In this example the search was for proteins interacting with Tau (Microtubule associated protein – MTAP)…

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