Tag: image processing

  • Malaria games

    Malaria games

    We think that image processing problems are difficult and interesting but there are others that elude us all the time. Malaria, a mosquito borne illness affects nearly 600,000 patients per day. The diagnosis unfortunately in many countries still uses the traditional Giemsa stain of blood. This requires a pathologist to study the slides and then…

  • Mechanical to Optical to Sound

    Mechanical to Optical to Sound

    For really old vinyl records, the standard advice is to clean the records and then play in your player – carefully. But, what are the options when you have some old recordings that cannot be saved. Scientists at LANL and Smithsonian museum have used an optical scanning technique that takes an optical scan of the…

  • Elastomer for surface imaging

    Elastomer for surface imaging

    Surface geometry made easy It is extremely difficult to measure the cell surface topology using microscopes or camera’s. Typically, the choice is to use reflected light, refracted light or some unique modification that requires light to enter at correct angles, be altered and then measured with the camera. Typically, setup like that cost hundreds to…

  • Image processing to kill weeds

    Image processing to kill weeds

    Not that it is difficult but if you have a garden and want to control weeds, the easiest method is to spray chemicals to kill the unwanted plants. More environmentally friendly measures take more time but it involves gardener’s sitting and picking up the unwanted plants. There are others who spray vinegar or acetic acid…

  • Nanotube label free imaging

    Nanotube label free imaging

    A researcher, Ji-Xin Cheng, at Purdue university has figured out a label free method to label carbon nanotubes. Nanotubes are typically hard to see and with Cheng’s technique not only can you see the nanotubes but you can also visualize them within cells. The method is known as transient absorbtion and uses a pulsed near…