Tag: brain
Installing the Neurosky Mindwave Mobile on Windows 7 computer.
Acquiring a basic EEG signal is simple if you can afford to buy an off-the-shelf Neurosky device. There are several steps that go back and forth between the device and are useful to note. The steps are relatively simple if you have everything that is required. There is one critical step that is critical but…
Technology: Does brain perform multi-tasking like computers?
The term multi-tasking probably originated from computer terminology wherein two simultaneous tasks are carried on by the computer by distribution of tasks to various processors. A “super”computer was defined as on which had many processors and a lot of memory that could process computations in parallel. The human brain is obviously capable of some elementary…
Information Integration – Brain Hemispheres
There are many steps required to understand any data. First is the gathering of the data, analyzing the data, then fitting the data to a model and finally the understanding. Obviously, there are many more steps and these phases can also be subdivided into many subsections. How does the human brain do it ? Each…
Pattern recognition by the brain
The brain is designed to find patterns and then correlate it with the understanding of the world. This comparison is important since comparing fruit like images, sounds or feels with previous fruits eaten as food means survival. Quickly deducing that the long string hanging from the tree is actually a snake will also make for…