Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Social Media tricks: Part 4: Social Hashtags

    One area that has become very popular within the social networks is the hashtag. This is the ability of people to mark with a prefix specific areas of interest to mark their keywords that can be searched. This makes it easy for other users to find the topic of interest. But, an additional advantage is…

  • Social Media tricks: Part 3: Events

    Social media is active. The people and participants come there to participate, to share and distribute news. The role of the company is to provide material that is interesting that will generate more activity but also more interest from the members. One activity that is always popular is some kind of contests. These generate some…

  • Brain computer interface

    Nicolelis’s lab has been working on the brain machine interface. The interface will obviously help many paraplegics but could be a boost for many neurological disorders. The lab has produced monkeys that can control objects using just their brains without any motor function. Recently, they created a mouse that though could not see infrared light…

  • Social Media tricks: Part 2: Visual content

    Visual content is important. It is essential that there is some visual content on the web page or in any social media. It has been proven over and over again that facebook pages with visual content are more effective in generating likes than pages with just written content. Similarly, Simply measured study found that videos…

  • Open Source Licenses – part 1

    If you write code then you have to know what you can do to license the code but even if you are just a user of open source software, it is useful to know what kind of licenses you are being subjected to when you download and install the software. This article will be in…

  • PySB: Biological models in Python

    As scientists make biological models, it is difficult to create frameworks of mathematics and formula’s around it. Usually this requires significant customization for each model. Dr Sorger’ Lab has developed a Python framework for creating systems biology models. These translate the equations to the models and allow a tedious task to be significantly simplified by…

  • Licensing and deal making terms by the judge instead of business people.

    When someone patents a new technology or product and want other people to use it, they typically allow licensing of the technology for a fee or a charge. The licensing terms are negotiated carefully and avidly by both the parties that allows the licensee to make money while the licensor gets to use the technology…

  • Social Media tricks: Part 1: Get a partner

    Social Media has become the number one area to focus if you believe all the literature and articles that have been written on it. If your organization does not do social media (Facebook, Twitter, or Linkedin) in addition to other advertising methods then it cannot hope to capture the minds of the audience, so goes…

  • Scattering of Light and Diagnostic testing

    Development of any one field requires corresponding development in other fields. Sometimes the fields are so unrelated that it seems amazing that one field would have influenced the other. But consider the link between diagnostic tests and the observation that the sky is blue. This is not about “blue sky thinking” but rather a direct…

  • Spectroscopy in Pharma companies

    Unlike all other modes of spectroscopy that are used in Pharma companies – for example measurement of protein or DNA the most predominant one is Raman Spectroscopy. The one technique that has been used predominantly in the Pharmaceutical companies is Raman spectroscopy. This is a relatively simple technique that is used to identify the specific…

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