Category: Technology

  • Simple is better

    Simple is better

    It is interesting how we researchers sometimes do plenty of research to find out what we know already. We sometimes like to complicate things too much. In the September 2012 issue of Nature Methods, two researchers, Nils Gehlenborg and Bang Wong commented that three dimensional visualization is only good for spatial data and not much…

  • Video games and learning

    Video games and learning

    There are many types of video/digital games such as adventure, role-playing, strategy, or the very popular – first person shoot-’em-up action games. Video games have always been thought of as a good pastime but nothing more. However, there have been many studies done that have shown value of games – social: to meet other players,…

  • Pattern recognition by the brain

    Pattern recognition by the brain

    The brain is designed to find patterns and then correlate it with the understanding of the world. This comparison is important since comparing fruit like images, sounds or feels with previous fruits eaten as food means survival. Quickly deducing that the long string hanging from the tree is actually a snake will also make for…