Category: Imaging
Low cost 3D Scanner at Home
Another choice for 3D scanner is to build your own with some software, some simple things and a $25 laser level. Try this… Build a 30$ Laser Scanner : 5 Steps (with Pictures) – Instructables
3D Scanning
There are many ways to scan in 3D and there are many uses for scanning in 3D. One of the major ones has been geology and civil engineering. Imagine when you are making roads, the one thing that you require is the lay of the land. This will enable the building of roads that is…
Microlens from calcium carbonate
Shells and marine life is made up some beautiful structures. The component for most of the shells is calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate is not soluble and forms great structures that are stable for a long time even in the marine environment. However looking at the shell makes you imagine Calcium carbonate as a opaque material.…
Mechanical to Optical to Sound
For really old vinyl records, the standard advice is to clean the records and then play in your player – carefully. But, what are the options when you have some old recordings that cannot be saved. Scientists at LANL and Smithsonian museum have used an optical scanning technique that takes an optical scan of the…
Lens free microscopy
Lens free microscopy Microscopy whether electron microscopy or with visible light requires lenses. For electron microscopy, lenses incur significant design challenges and add aberrations. A startup in UK uses technology invented by Professor John Rodenberg to remove lenses altogether and compute the image from the diffraction pattern of the sample. This is similar to a…
Cell phone camera’s are small. However, typically microscopes are large bulky devices that have large lenses to collect light and are used for getting high resolution magnified images that are coupled to bulkier high sensitivity camera’s. But what about in-vivo microscopy where the animal needs to be brought below the microscope to focus. The laboratories…
Bluesky: Diffraction images from flow cytometer
Flow cytometry typically flows particles or cells through a laminar flow cell into an interrogating laser beam to be read out as flourescent signal with a photomultiplier or photodiode. The read out is typically the integrated intensity or a two dimensional projection of a cell. The residence time is in order of 10 micro-seconds. Cellular…
Bioluminiscent imaging
Bio-luminescent imaging Hair growth has been on ongoing research topic It is thought that stem cells can regenerate hair follicles when injected into animals and humans. However, this process has not been imaged very clearly. A group of scientists from Kyungpook National University School of Medicine, Daegu, Republic of Korea have used bioluminescent imaging to…
Atomic Force microscopy for eyes
Label free Atomic Force Microscope screening Diabetic retinopathy and scar tissue form on the eye in diabetics causing blindness or visual impairment. This is handled different ways by the doctors. They either use a laser to ablate the vascularization and the scar tissue or go inside the eye and peel off the inner limiting membrane…