Category: Digital Health, Wearable technology and Devices
Asthamapolis – GPS tracker on your inhaler
The quantified self movement tries to quantify the self through measurement of every bodily function. This has lead to development of a lot of devices. The one device that is made by a company called Asthamapolis. This company has put a GPS on an inhaler to figure out where people have the most asthma. Quantified…
Developing software for FDA certification.
When a company buys and uses software that is off the shelf software, like the Windows operating system there is still some responsibility to the developer to check that the software works as it is supposed to work. With other pieces of software, say the National Instruments – LabView that is incorporated into more medical…
Device to measure tablet hardness
Almost everything can be quantitated. It is interesting to see how devices are created to measure things accurately. Consider measuring tablet hardness. This is a quantifiable parameter. It is important from the dosage and breakage point of view but also important to measure how the tablet making machines and the various binders are working efficiently.…
iBGstar first approved blood glucose mobile device
There are many potential cell phone based applications but the firsn to get approved for Diabetes is iBGstar from Sanofi Aventis. This is a good compromise is using the dipstick based technology and then combining it with iPhone to read out the results. All this ends up replacing is the little electronic device that used…
Sensors on the cheap
There are many sensors that go into devices, such as temperature sensors, pressure sensors or even hemoglobin oxygenation sensors. Many of the sensors are made by engineers to be very precise and also very linear in their response. However, they are expensive and most hobbyist look for alternatives to the sensors. Sometimes, it is possible…
Zoho CRM has Card scanner
Business cards are used all the time for people to exchange contact information. The technology for exchanging cards using standardized pieces of paper has not changed for many years. The basic idea has remained the same, take the paper and put it in your files. Several companies have developed things that would enable easy exchange…
Sensors for the environment including air quality sensor
Another series of sensors, this time for monitoring quality of local weather. There are many weather solutions out there but neatatmo intends to monitor the local (backyard) weather accurately and make specific graphs and reports about the hyper-local weather rather than rely on weather channels that supply the general weather. The instruments and the sensors…
Sensor for everything – twine.
Typically sensors are built into a mobile device and there are many applications of the sensor with a good interface. However, using those sensors require special programming or something that we all have “a phone app”. These are now almost all complete and so there is probably an app for whatever you need even if…
Device: Rain or shine
There are many devices that measure activity and Shine is another one. The strange thing is that it has not been released but it still seems interesting to people. It is waterproof and it is small. The device is something that would be useful to the people with FitBit and other Fuel band’s out there,…
Sensors Devices those are beautiful even if not very useful
Lapka is an interesting company. In this dangerous world it thinks we need sensors that measure things. These sensors measure radioactivity (Geiger counter), electromagnetic fields, humidity and organic content of food. These devices are not new. Many companies make them but they do it very elegantly. Their devices look good and hopefully are as functional…