There are several companies, including Microsoft and Google that are in the healthcare and IT space. These companies have the IT technology but they are heading into the healthcare space because they recognize the demand. There are a few companies that would be good to explore in this space that are catalyzing the science.
Practice fusion: Mining and collecting large data sets. This is an Electronic Medical Records (EMR) company that serves as the link between Doctors, Patients and Insurance Providers and Pharmacies. This is not really mobile but they have an advertisement based model. The cost is free to the patient to store the records and probably a low cost or no cost for the doctors. Where they gain advantage is by using large data sets for other companies who would like to use the data for other purposes. For example, another company mentioned here, 100Plus, uses the data set. These large data sets are also used by pharmaceutical companies, advertisers and other interested parties.
100Plus: They are developing an interface system to connect behaviors of their clients with data. One way to imagine this is that they are doing a large epidemiology study on behavior.
openSNP: This is an interesting project that is open sourced. The concept is creating a common source of data that links the genotype, phenotype of human in an open format for research or study. Obviously the marketers are going to get there first but being able to have incredible data sets available to harvest is the first step.
Mendeley: Social networkings meet research papers. It is typically difficult to exchange opinions and list of research papers as the knowledge base gets bigger. Mendeley has created a great web based and iphone/iPad based system that enables the researchers to collaborate.
Proteus Digital Health: They have a unique rice grain sized sensor/pill that upon ingestions collects useful digital data that can be used for various purposes including self monitoring. The technology is extremely fascinating but it is not clear as to what would be the perfect field or disease to use their physiological and behavioral data.