scanned image

3D Scanning

There are many ways to scan in 3D and there are many uses for scanning in 3D. One of the major ones has been geology and civil engineering. Imagine when you are making roads, the one thing that you require is the lay of the land. This will enable the building of roads that is built with the right path. Another area that the 3D scanners have been used is in archeology. When looking at buildings or trying to re-create artifacts, getting a good representation of the object is important. Whether the output is 3D printing, or some other restoration, the scanning in 3D is interesting technology. There are two major technologies – the laser based scanner that has been around a while. The newer technology is the white light scanner. This is a scanner that uses normal white light or ambient light. In the simplest case scenario, 2 camera’s are setup to take a picture of the object. The software then computes the distance from the camera. Simple and cost effective. A few companies that make them and the technology is varied – Find out more about them them at a vendor website.


