Brain to brain communications or brain to computer communications are tough to execute. However, one consortium of scientists at Braingate have achieved the communication between two people that are connected with a sensor implanted in their motor cortex. The unique part about this communication was that it was implemented through methods more often used in digital health – Bluetooth communication and android tablets. The two ALS subjects communicated by using their sensor implant to transmit Bluetooth information to a NEXUS tablet which could display their actions. The actions they performed was similar to a mouse and were at the effective rate of 22 point and clicks per minutes and the subjects were able to type up 30 characters per minute.
This is a big leap forward in using unmodified phones/tablets to receive communications from the brain – Bluetooth transmitter and interpreting them correctly in the phone.
This study was published in PLOS one and would hopefully allow other paraplegic or people with neuromuscular disorders to communicate effectively.Find out more at Braingate:
Brain to brain communications