Biological Organic chemistry can be hard. There are several molecules and many of them are complex in shape and characteristics. To really understand molecular function and structure, it would be great to have molecules that you can rotate in 3D as well as see and feel with your hands. This has been traditionally possible only by making molecular shapes that need to be put together as giant structures. A science group in Denis Fourche’s lab has put together a set of algorithms on the web that enables a user to convert as molecular structure to virtual reality.
This program is called RealityConvert and it is easy to try it on the web
So we decided to take this on a test-drive. The molecule that we chose is called Benzyl acetate. It is one of the most common molecules that has a smell and is added to many perfumes whether naturally or chemically. Here is the link for it in Pubchem. We supplied that model to RealityConvert and within 1 minute had our model file ready. You can see the model file below.