Warheads and Confidentiality


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This article is more to do with confidentiality than warheads. There is a proof in cryptography called zero knowledge proof which states that it is possible to confirm a statement from one party by another party without doing a measurement.

A recent paper in Nature has created a zero knowledge protocol to verify warheads without the other party getting any additional information. The example they cite in the paper is with marbles but the method has been illustrated several times. In the marble case in the paper, assume there are 2 boxes of marbles(A1, A2) accompanied by another 2 box of marbles (B1, B2). By giving a verifier-person the ability to randomly combine B1,B2 with A1,A2 to yield equal results increases the chances that A and B are indeed what they are supposed to be…see the paper to get the full description.

These confidentiality measures can probably be used in other areas in healthcare too. In healthcare, it is important to hide the person or information associated with the person so that they person cannot be identified with their medical data. By using the zero knowledge protocol we can verify the confidential information without revealing the information for verification.



