Mobile applications: Fluorescence spectra.

Usin’Life is working on developing a mobile applications for fluorescence spectra observation. Typically, the android market has several applications that show the spectra but they are very company specific. This makes a user struggle to find the spectra of interest. If they have access to the computer then one way to do this is to look up the website for each spectra or use a search engine like Google to search for the spectra.

For a web based solution, a group of researchers, George McNamara (U. Miami), Urs Utzinger , Carl A Boswell (retired from U. Arizona) have created a repository of fluorescence spectra on their website for use by everyone. If a scientist has access to the web and a computer, they can display spectra of interest of almost any molecule but in addition they can also plot it in combination with light sources and filter wheel.

In addition they can perform FRET calculations on this website too:




