Andreas Velten at MIT has been working in the lab of Ramesh Raskar to develop a camera that captures almost at the speed of light. This work was inspired by the bullet through the apple pictures by Doc Edgerton also at MIT. Their work is fascinating to see on Andreas website but it is hard to imagine the speed of camera unless you realize that if you wanted to see the same movie and watched it at 30 fps like you watch conventional movies then it would take you 3 years to watch the movie! Or put it another way, if you were watching some cellular phenomenon that takes 1 second then it would take you tens of thousands of years to just watch the movie. Therefore, most normal phenomenon, there will be nothing going on in the movie but this is only usable where there are rapid kinetic changes.
Watch the movie below to see some of their superb phenomenon.Andreas Velten at MIT has been working in the lab of Ramesh Raskar to develop a camera that captures almost at the speed of light. This work was inspired by the bullet through the apple pictures by Doc Edgerton also at MIT. Their work is fascinating to see on Andreas website but it is hard to imagine the speed of camera unless you realize that if you wanted to see the same movie and watched it at 30 fps like you watch conventional movies then it would take you 3 years to watch the movie! Or put it another way, if you were watching some cellular phenomenon that takes 1 second then it would take you tens of thousands of years to just watch the movie. Therefore, most normal phenomenon, there will be nothing going on in the movie but this is only usable where there are rapid kinetic changes.
Watch the movie below to see some of their superb phenomenon.